
“Cinema” is a riveting TV show streaming exclusively on DON CINEMA OTT, featuring an iconic ensemble cast including legends such as Amitabh Bachchan, Dharmendra, Hema Malini, and Zeenat Aman. Set in the glamorous world of Bollywood, the series delves into the intertwined lives of industry veterans, exploring their triumphs, struggles, and untold stories behind the silver screen. Get ready for a captivating journey through the highs and lows of showbiz, filled with drama, passion, and unforgettable performances.

As Ragnar Lodbrok, a Norse farmer, carries out triumphant raids into English territory with the help of his fellow warriors, he ends up holding sway over the Vikings and becoming a Scandinavian king.

As Ragnar Lodbrok, a Norse farmer, carries out triumphant raids into English territory with the help of his fellow warriors, he ends up holding sway over the Vikings and becoming a Scandinavian king.